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Kindergarten Spelling Words List 8

Kindergarten Spelling Words List 8: Identify the meaningful word hidden in the jumbled letters. Put the letters in the right order to unscramble the word. The word which you have to unscramble is hidden in the sentence given in the clue.

Kindergarten Spelling Words List 8

Our kindergarten spelling words lists help kindergarten children practice elementary level spelling words which are essential in early reading. Rearranging the letters in the correct order helps children practice their spelling work with a great interest. Enjoy our free online spelling practice and have more fun with learning spelling words!

Click here to try more kindergarten spelling activities. Also, click here to enjoy more kindergarten English worksheets and spelling activities for kids.

[{ "question": "e g g s", "clue": "There are two broken eggs in the basket.", "img":"eggs.jpg","imgalter":"Kindergarten spelling words list 1" }, { "question": "b l a c k", "clue": "She has black hair.", "img":"black-hair.jpg","imgalter":"Kindergarten spelling words list 2" }, { "question": "b i r d", "clue": "It is a pretty bird.", "img":"bird.jpg","imgalter":"Kindergarten spelling words list 3" }, { "question": "w a l l", "clue": "Hang the picture on the wall.", "img":"wall.jpg","imgalter":"Kindergarten spelling words list 4" }, { "question": "t r e e", "clue": "There is a big tree in the middle of the garden.", "img":"tree.jpg","imgalter":"Kindergarten spelling words list 5" }, { "question": "h a n d", "clue": "Show me your left hand.", "img":"hand.jpg","imgalter":"Kindergarten spelling words list 6" }, { "question": "m o o n", "clue": "Look at the beautiful moon.", "img":"moon.jpg","imgalter":"Kindergarten spelling words list 7" }, { "question": "w e s t", "clue": "The sun sets in the west.", "img":"west.jpg","imgalter":"Kindergarten spelling words list 8" }, { "question": "e a r s", "clue": "My ears turned red.", "img":"ears.jpg","imgalter":"Kindergarten spelling words list 9" }, { "question": "t h r e e", "clue": "Emily, Emma and Eva are three sisters.", "img":"three.jpg","imgalter":"Kindergarten spelling words list 10" }]

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