Free Worksheets, Lessons, Quizzes

Key Stage 2 Mathematics

Addition Fill in the Missing Digits 83
Addition Fill in the Missing Addend 7
Addition Fill in the Missing Digits 84
Addition Fill in the Missing Addend 5
Order of Operations Activity 2 – No Pa
Order of Operations Activity 1 – No Pa
Algebra Verbal Expressions Activity 2
Algebra Verbal Expressions Activity 1
Algebra Variable Expression Activity 3
Algebra Variable Expression Activity 2
Algebra Variable Expression Activity 1
Factors and Multiples
3 digit Subtraction with Regrouping Activity
3 digit Subtraction with Regrouping Activity
One-digit and two-digit Multiplication Activ
One-digit and two-digit Multiplication Activ
One-digit and two-digit Multiplication Activ
One-digit and two-digit Multiplication Activ
One-digit and two-digit Multiplication Activ
One-digit and two-digit Multiplication Activ
Counting by 10s Activity 1
Reading Time Converting 12 Hour 24 Hour Cloc
Rounding to the nearest 10 100 and 1000
Rounding to the nearest thousand