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2D Shape Activity 4

2D Shape Activity 4: Identify the correct 2D shapes and pick up the correct answer from the brackets.

2D Shape Activity 4

Read the questions. Identify the correct 2D shapes and pick up the correct answer from the brackets. Hit ‘Check Answers’ button to correct your answers.

2D shapes includes circles, triangles, rectangles, squares, pentagons, hexagons, heptagons etc. 2D shapes have no thickness. They have a length and a width. 2D shapes can be regular or irregular. A regular shape has all sides and angles equal length and size. We also call these regular polygons. An irregular polygon has some sides and angles of different lengths and sizes. We also call these irregular polygons. A plane 2D shape with straight sides is called a polygon. As mentioned before, to be a polygon all the sides and angles must be the same. Now enjoy your activity!

Click here to try more kindergarten shapes activities. Also, click here to enjoy more kindergarten math practice exercises and activities.

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