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Digestive System Quiz 7

Human digestive system quiz 7:

Try this digestive system quiz 7 and all our human digestive system quizzes and test your knowledge on the human digestive system.

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{"questionDesription":"Digestive System Quiz 7","questions":[{ "ques": "What is the function of the tongue?", "answers": [{ "opt": "It helps in the digestion process","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "It pushes a lump of food to the back of the mouth","selected": "false", "ans": "true" }, { "opt": "It defends you from invading germs","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "None of the above","selected": "false", "ans": "false" } ], "img": "ks2/mcq/human-tongue-2.jpg" }, { "ques": "What is the functions of saliva? Tick the most correct answer.", "answers": [{ "opt": "Keeps the mouth and other parts of the digestive system moist","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Makes chewing and swallowing easier","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Lubricates the passages of food so that food can pass through easily","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "All of the above","selected": "false", "ans": "true" } ], "img": "ks2/mcq/salivary-glands.jpg" }, { "ques": "What is the function of uvula? Tick the most correct answer.", "answers": [{ "opt": "Makes lots of watery saliva to keep the throat moist","selected": "false", "ans": "true" }, { "opt": "Passes food to the stomach by peristalsis","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "All of the above","selected": "false", "ans": "false" } ], "img": "ks2/mcq/ulva-epiglottis.jpg" }, { "ques": "Which statement is correct about the pharynx? Tick the most correct answer.", "answers": [{ "opt": "(a) It passes food to the stomach by peristalsis","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "(b) The pharynx is located in the back of the throat","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "(c) Both food and air go through the pharynx","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "(b) and (c) only","selected": "false", "ans": "true" } ], "img": "ks2/mcq/digestive-system-upper-part-2.jpg" }, { "ques": "What is the function of the oesophagus? Tick the most correct answer.", "answers": [{ "opt": "It makes lots of watery saliva to keep the throat moist","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "It passes food to the stomach by peristalsis","selected": "false", "ans": "true" }, { "opt": "It keeps food and other liquids out of the lungs","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "None of the above","selected": "false", "ans": "false" } ], "img": "ks2/mcq/mouth-oesophagus-stomach.jpg" }, { "ques": "How long is the small intestine?", "answers": [{ "opt": "9 metres","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "4 metres","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "11 metres","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "6 metres","selected": "false", "ans": "true" } ], "img": "ks2/mcq/small-intestine.jpg" }, { "ques": "Where is the small intestine located?", "answers": [{ "opt": "It is coiled up below the pancreas and the liver","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "It is coiled up below the gallbladder and the liver","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "It is coiled up below the stomach and the liver","selected": "false", "ans": "true" }, { "opt": "It is coiled up below the oesophagus and the liver","selected": "false", "ans": "false" } ], "img": "ks2/mcq/small-intestine.jpg" }, { "ques": "What are villi?", "answers": [{ "opt": "Millions of tiny, finger-like things that cover the liver","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Millions of tiny, finger-like things that cover the oesophagus","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Millions of tiny, finger-like things that cover the large intestine","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Millions of tiny, finger-like things that cover the small intestine","selected": "false", "ans": "true" } ], "img": "ks2/mcq/villi.jpg" }, { "ques": "What gives the wall of the small intestine a folded surface?", "answers": [{ "opt": "Jelly-like mucus","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Villi","selected": "false", "ans": "true" }, { "opt": "Chyme","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Tiny muscly bag","selected": "false", "ans": "false" } ], "img": "ks2/mcq/small-intestine.jpg" }, { "ques": "What is the function of the villi?", "answers": [{ "opt": "Chemical digestion and the absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream","selected": "false", "ans": "true" }, { "opt": "Storing the remains of food and water","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Removing poisons from the blood","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Bile production and excretion","selected": "false", "ans": "false" } ], "img": "ks2/mcq/villi.jpg" } ]}