Idioms Quiz 3: Tick the correct answer from the choices given to complete each idiom. Click the lesson ‘Idioms Examples – Colloquialisms‘ to find the answers to complete each idiom.
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Complete each idiom by filling in the correct missing word. Before you attempt to answer the quiz below, you should click to read the lesson ‘Idioms Examples – Colloquialisms’ to find the answers for the incomplete idioms. Idioms are expressions used in common conversation. An idiom is a combination of words or phrase that is not formal and has a metaphorical meaning than the literal meaning. You can express yourself in an interesting way by using idioms in your day-to-day ordinary conversation. Test your knowledge of idioms with the following quiz. All what you need to do is to complete each idiom by using a suggested answer. Test your idiom power and use these famous idioms in your daily conversations and writings to enhance your speaking and writing skills. Enjoy learning idioms!