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Kindergarten Rhyming Words Activities 1

Kindergarten Rhyming Words Activities 1: Find the correct vowel that completes each word. Then drag and drop it into the correct answer box.

Kindergarten Rhyming Words Activities 1

Rhyming words are words that end with the same sound.

Which word rhymes with ‘cat’? ‘ball’ or ‘hat’? ‘cat’ and ‘hat’ both end with the ‘at’ sound. So ‘cat’ and ‘hat’ rhyme.

Which word rhymes with ‘mug’? ‘rug’ or ‘cup’? ‘mug’ and ‘rug’ both end with the ‘ug’ sound. So ‘mug’ and ‘rug’ rhyme.

Which word rhymes with ‘rock’? ‘pack’ or ‘sock’? ‘rock’ and ‘sock’ both end with the ‘ock’ sound. So ‘rock’ and ‘sock’ rhyme.

Which word rhymes with ‘fish’? ‘dish’ or ‘ship’? ‘fish’ and ‘dish’ both end with the ‘ish’ sound. So ‘fish’ and ‘dish’ rhyme.

Kindergarten Rhyming Words Activities 1 helps kids to pick up the correct word that rhymes with a given word. Help your child to read and understand what rhyming words are. Make them improve in identifying rhyming words with our matching rhyming words activities.

Click here to enjoy more kindergarten rhyming words activities.

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