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Name the Parts of a Computer Activity 1

Name the Parts of a Computer Activity 1: Find the correct spelling of each part of the computer by rearranging jumbled letters.

Name the Parts of a Computer Activity 1

Learn the spellings of the parts of a computer and name them correctly.

Your answer is corrected as soon as you rearrange each word correctly.

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[{ "question": "m o n i t o r", "clue": "", "img": "ict/monitor.jpg", "imgalter": "name the parts of a computer monitor" }, { "question": "k e y b o a r d", "clue": "", "img": "ict/keyboard.jpg", "imgalter": "name the parts of a computer keyboard" }, { "question": "m o u s e", "clue": "", "img": "ict/mouse.jpg", "imgalter": "name the parts of a computer mouse" }, { "question": "p r i n t e r", "clue": "", "img": "ict/printer.jpg", "imgalter": "name the parts of a computer printer" }, { "question": "s c a n n e r", "clue": "", "img": "ict/scanner.jpg", "imgalter": "name the parts of a computer scanner" }, { "question": "s p e a k e r s", "clue": "", "img": "ict/speakers.jpg", "imgalter": "name the parts of a computer speakers" }, { "question": "w e b c a m", "clue": "", "img": "ict/webcam.jpg", "imgalter": "name the parts of a computer webcam" }, { "question": "h e a d s e t", "clue": "", "img": "ict/headset.jpg", "imgalter": "name the parts of a computer headset" }, { "question": "h e a d p h o n e s", "clue": "", "img": "ict/headphones.jpg", "imgalter": "name the parts of a computer headphones" }, { "question": "j o y s t i c k", "clue": "", "img": "ict/joystick.jpg", "imgalter": "name the parts of a computer joystick" }]