Science Quiz for kids 1: Read the given definitions and tick the correct names of the processes.
{"questionDesription":"Science Quiz for Kids 1","questions": [{ "ques": "Green plants make their own food from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of chlorophyll using the energy of sunlight. What is this process?", "answers": [{ "opt": "Germination","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Life cycle","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Photosynthesis","selected": "false", "ans": "true" }, { "opt": "Metamorphosis","selected": "false", "ans": "false" } ], "img": "" }, { "ques": "A butterfly goes through four stages of growth from egg to adulthood. What is this process?", "answers": [{ "opt": "Germination","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Life cycle","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Photosynthesis","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Metamorphosis","selected": "false", "ans": "true" } ], "img": "" }, { "ques": "A series of stages a plant or an animal goes through from when it is first formed to when it dies. What is this process?", "answers": [{ "opt": "Germination","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Life cycle","selected": "false", "ans": "true" }, { "opt": "Photosynthesis","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Metamorphosis","selected": "false", "ans": "false" } ], "img": "" }, { "ques": "The scattering or spreading of seeds to different places. What is this process?", "answers": [{ "opt": "Seed dispersal","selected": "false", "ans": "true" }, { "opt": "Life cycle","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Photosynthesis","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Germination","selected": "false", "ans": "false" } ], "img": "" }, { "ques": "The making of a new plant or an animal by making same kinds of copies of themselves. What is this process?", "answers": [{ "opt": "Germination","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Life cycle","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Reproduction","selected": "false", "ans": "true" }, { "opt": "Photosynthesis","selected": "false", "ans": "false" } ], "img": "" }, { "ques": "The flow of energy from a green plant (producer) to an animal and to another animal and so on. What is this process?", "answers": [{ "opt": "Food chain","selected": "false", "ans": "true" }, { "opt": "Food web","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Photosynthesis","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Life cycle","selected": "false", "ans": "false" } ], "img": "" }, { "ques": "The growth of a seed into a young plant or a seedling. What is this process?", "answers": [{ "opt": "Food Chain","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Life cycle","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Photosynthesis","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Germination","selected": "false", "ans": "true" } ], "img": "" }, { "ques": "A type of a food network with several interlinked food chains in a habitat. What is this process?", "answers": [{ "opt": "Food chain","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Food web","selected": "false", "ans": "true" }, { "opt": "Photosynthesis","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Life cycle","selected": "false", "ans": "false" } ], "img": "" }, { "ques": "The ordering of plants and animals into groups. What is this process?", "answers": [{ "opt": "Germination","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Life cycle","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Classification","selected": "false", "ans": "true" }, { "opt": "Metamorphosis","selected": "false", "ans": "false" } ], "img": "" }, { "ques": "A change that produces new materials that cannot be changed back. What is this process?", "answers": [{ "opt": "Reversible changes","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Chemical changes","selected": "false", "ans": "true" }, { "opt": "Physical changes","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Photosynthesis","selected": "false", "ans": "false" } ], "img": "" } ]}Written By : K8School8:38 am