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Sentence Types Worksheets

Sentence Types Worksheets: Select the correct type of sentence.

Sentence Types Worksheets

Sentence Types Worksheets have questions to find sentences which are statements, questions, commands or exclamations. You can get the help of “Points to ponder” chart on the right hand side, if necessary. Enjoy the activity sentence types worksheets!

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{"questionDesription":"Sentence Types Worksheets","questions":[{ "ques": "Which sentence is a statement?", "answers": [{ "opt": "Don't cry!","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Oh, the poor boy is crying!","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Is the boy crying?","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "The boy is crying.","selected": "false", "ans": "true" } ], "img": "ks2/mcq/sentences-types.jpg" }, { "ques": "Which sentence is a question?", "answers": [{ "opt": "The boy is crying.","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Oh, the poor boy is crying!","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Is the boy crying?","selected": "false", "ans": "true" }, { "opt": "Don't cry!","selected": "false", "ans": "false" } ], "img": "ks2/mcq/sentences-types.jpg" }, { "ques": "Which sentence is a command?", "answers": [{ "opt": "Is the boy crying?","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Oh, the poor boy is crying!","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "The boy is crying.","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Don't cry!","selected": "false", "ans": "true" } ], "img": "ks2/mcq/sentences-types.jpg" }, { "ques": "Which sentence is an exclamation?", "answers": [{ "opt": "Oh, the poor boy is crying!","selected": "false", "ans": "true" }, { "opt": "Don't cry!","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Is the boy crying?","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "The boy is crying.","selected": "false", "ans": "false" } ], "img": "ks2/mcq/sentences-types.jpg" }, { "ques": "Which sentence is a statement?", "answers": [{ "opt": "Did Tom call the police?","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Call the police!","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Tom called the police.","selected": "false", "ans": "true" }, { "opt": "Thank God, Tom called the police!","selected": "false", "ans": "false" } ], "img": "ks2/mcq/sentences-types.jpg" }, { "ques": "Which sentence is a question?", "answers": [{ "opt": "Thank God, Tom called the police!","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Did Tom call the police?","selected": "false", "ans": "true" }, { "opt": "Tom called the police.","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Call the police!","selected": "false", "ans": "false" } ], "img": "ks2/mcq/sentences-types.jpg" }, { "ques": "Which sentence is a command?", "answers": [{ "opt": "Tom called the police.","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Call the police!","selected": "false", "ans": "true" }, { "opt": "Thank God, Tom called the police!","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Did Tom call the police?","selected": "false", "ans": "false" } ], "img": "ks2/mcq/sentences-types.jpg" }, { "ques": "Which sentence is an exclamation?", "answers": [{ "opt": "Thank God, Tom called the police!","selected": "false", "ans": "true" }, { "opt": "Did Tom call the police?","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Call the police!","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Tom called the police.","selected": "false", "ans": "false" } ], "img": "ks2/mcq/sentences-types.jpg" }, { "ques": "Which sentence is a statement?", "answers": [{ "opt": "Does she have a pet lamb?","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Marry had a little lamb.","selected": "false", "ans": "true" }, { "opt": "I'm very sad!","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Shut the door!","selected": "false", "ans": "false" } ], "img": "ks2/mcq/sentences-types.jpg" }, { "ques": "Which sentence is a question?", "answers": [{ "opt": "The baby is as happy as a lark.","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Be safe!","selected": "false", "ans": "false" }, { "opt": "Has anyone seen my glasses?","selected": "false", "ans": "true" }, { "opt": "Joan put the apples in the basket.","selected": "false", "ans": "false" } ], "img": "ks2/mcq/sentences-types.jpg" } ]}