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Spellings of the Months

Learn the spellings of the months by rearranging the following jumbled letters.

Spellings of the Months

Learn the spellings of the months. Your answer is corrected as soon as you rearrange each word correctly.

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[{ "question": "D e c e m b e r", "clue": "Last but not the least. This is the twelfth month of the year." }, { "question": "N o v e m b e r", "clue": "This is the eleventh month of the year." }, { "question": "O c t o b e r", "clue": "This is the tenth month of the year." }, { "question": "S e p t e m b e r", "clue": "This is the ninth month of the year." }, { "question": "A u g u s t", "clue": "This is the eighth month of the year." }, { "question": "J u l y", "clue": "This is the seventh month of the year." }, { "question": "J u n e", "clue": "This is the sixth month of the year." }, { "question": "M a y", "clue": "This is the fifth month of the year." }, { "question": "A p r i l", "clue": "This is the fourth month of the year." }, { "question": "M a r c h", "clue": "This is the third month of the year." }, { "question": "F e b r u a r y", "clue": "This is the second month of the year." }, { "question": "J a n u a r y", "clue": "This is the first month of the year." }]

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