Learn the spellings of the months. Your answer is corrected as soon as you rearrange each word correctly.
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[{ "question": "D e c e m b e r", "clue": "Last but not the least. This is the twelfth month of the year." }, { "question": "N o v e m b e r", "clue": "This is the eleventh month of the year." }, { "question": "O c t o b e r", "clue": "This is the tenth month of the year." }, { "question": "S e p t e m b e r", "clue": "This is the ninth month of the year." }, { "question": "A u g u s t", "clue": "This is the eighth month of the year." }, { "question": "J u l y", "clue": "This is the seventh month of the year." }, { "question": "J u n e", "clue": "This is the sixth month of the year." }, { "question": "M a y", "clue": "This is the fifth month of the year." }, { "question": "A p r i l", "clue": "This is the fourth month of the year." }, { "question": "M a r c h", "clue": "This is the third month of the year." }, { "question": "F e b r u a r y", "clue": "This is the second month of the year." }, { "question": "J a n u a r y", "clue": "This is the first month of the year." }]