The 6 Times Table: Learn the 6 times tables chart given below and say it out loud so that you can remember the 6 times table better.
Multiplication tables or times tables are one of the basic numeracy skills needed in the primary school years. Also, it is essential to know your multiplication tables for mathematics at secondary school and in further education, in short, throughout your life. You would have seen how your parents do calculations really fast when they do shopping, travelling and in many more activities in their day to day life. All these daily activities would be super easy, if you know the times tables very well. Therefore, remember, learning the multiplication tables or times tables is something we will have to carry on doing in order to make life easier.
With our times tables charts or multiplication tables charts you can practice the tables on your own. Say them out loud so you can remember and learn the times tables better. Learning the times tables or multiplication tables is a basic numeracy skill and part of your math education that you will regularly come across when doing calculations in the secondary school as well as all the way through your life. This means being proficient of the multiplication tables or times tables is not only important now, but also in future. Click the links below to try all our online activities on times tables.
Let’s study the 6 Times Table
0 | X | 6 | = | 0 |
1 | X | 6 | = | 6 |
2 | X | 6 | = | 12 |
3 | X | 6 | = | 18 |
4 | X | 6 | = | 24 |
5 | X | 6 | = | 30 |
6 | X | 6 | = | 36 |
7 | X | 6 | = | 42 |
8 | X | 6 | = | 48 |
9 | X | 6 | = | 54 |
10 | X | 6 | = | 60 |
11 | X | 6 | = | 66 |
12 | X | 6 | = | 72 |
13 | X | 6 | = | 78 |