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Rearranging Jumbled Letters to Make Words Activity 5

Rearranging Jumbled Letters to Make Words Activity 5: Rearrange the following jumbled letters to make words by dragging and dropping the letters to correct positions. Your answer is corrected as soon as you rearrange each word correctly.

Rearranging Jumbled Letters to Make Words Activity 5

Our scrambled words worksheets improve kids’ spelling skills. Kids will learn how to rearrange the given jumbled letters to words in the correct order and make meaningful words. This also helps the kids improve in their reading skills. Kids will enjoy the activity by moving the letters to the correct places, and also getting the answers corrected at the same time will make it interesting for them to carry on with the exercise. Our rearranging jumbled letters to make words activities help kids spell words easily. So, make and spell words with these letters. See how many words you can make with these scrambled letters. Enjoy turning scrambled letters to words by rearranging jumbled letters!

Click here to try more 1st grade spelling activities.

[{ "question": "c o f f e e", "clue": "My mother starts her day with a hot cup of .............", "img":"coffee.jpg","imgalter":"1st grade spelling words list 41" }, { "question": "n e w s p a p e r", "clue": "My grandfather reads the daily ............. every morning.", "img":"newspaper.jpg","imgalter":"Year 1 spelling words list 42" }, { "question": "b a c k p a c k s", "clue": "We packed our ............. with water bottles and snacks.", "img":"backpacks.jpg","imgalter":"1st grade spelling list 43" }, { "question": "p i a n o", "clue": "She sat down at the ............. and began to play a beautiful melody.", "img":"piano-playing.jpg","imgalter":"Year 1 spelling list 44" }, { "question": "m o u n t a i n", "clue": "I love to watch the sun rise over the .............", "img":"mountain.jpg","imgalter":"1st grade spelling words list 45" }, { "question": "b e a c h", "clue": "We spent the day lounging on the .............", "img":"beach.jpg","imgalter":"Year 1 spelling words list 46" }, { "question": "c h a i r", "clue": "I sat down in the comfortable ............. and began to read my book.", "img":"comfortable-chair.jpg","imgalter":"1st grade spelling list 47" }, { "question": "p h o t o s", "clue": "We explored the city and captured some great .............", "img":"photos.jpg","imgalter":"Year 1 spelling list 48" }, { "question": "s a n g", "clue": "They ............. beautifully.", "img":"children-singing.jpg","imgalter":"1st grade spelling words list 49" }, { "question": "f a c e", "clue": "I always wear a hat to protect my ............. from the sun.", "img":"girl-wearing-hat.jpg","imgalter":"Year 1 spelling words list 50" }]