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Smallest to Largest Numbers Activity 19

Smallest to Largest Numbers Activity 19: Move the given numbers in ascending order or from smallest to largest.

Do you know what ‘Ascending Order’ means? We say the numbers are in ascending order, when the numbers are arranged from the smallest to the largest. In this way we place the numbers in an increasing order. For example, look at these numbers; 491, 233, 807, 955 and 770. How to arrange these numbers in ascending order? First pick up the smallest out of all the given numbers. Then the second smallest, and so on until the largest. Likewise, in the given series of numbers 233, 491, 770, 807 and 955 are arranged in ascending order. With these online worksheets you can improve your ability in ordering numbers in ascending order by arranging numbers from the smallest to the largest. Learn ascending order by arranging numbers from least to greatest. Enjoy ordering numbers in ascending order!

[{ "question": "525 550 575 600 625", "img":"ascending-order.jpg", "imgalter":"ordering numbers smallest to biggest or lowest to highest worksheet1", "clue":"The picture shows how ascending order works." }, { "question": "504 528 552 576 600", "img":"ascending-order.jpg", "imgalter":"Smallest to largest Numbers ordering numbers smallest to biggest or lowest to highest worksheet2", "clue":"The picture shows how ascending order works." }, { "question": "483 506 529 552 575", "img":"ascending-order.jpg", "imgalter":"ordering numbers smallest to biggest or lowest to highest worksheet3", "clue":"The picture shows how ascending order works." }, { "question": "462 484 506 528 550", "img":"ascending-order.jpg", "imgalter":"ordering numbers smallest to biggest or lowest to highest worksheet4", "clue":"The picture shows how ascending order works." }, { "question": "441 462 483 504 525", "img":"ascending-order.jpg", "imgalter":"ordering numbers smallest to biggest or lowest to highest worksheet5", "clue":"The picture shows how ascending order works." } ]